Formula milk
How do you decide which formula milk to feed your baby? Do you get samples for him to try?

Yes samples and get opinion from other parents and what formula they are using for their child of the same age. Different babies react differently but at least you'll get a rough idea of the more common brands that people use etc
if below 6months really trial and error as there’s no samples. Otherwise, yes I’ll get samples or if not buy a small tin first to try as samples will take time to come
The cheapest one. Because its all the same, all go thru the same testing and regulations. Otherwise you’re just buying into the marketing gimmicks.
You can try to get samples! SG Parent Things shared brands that offer baby milk powder on their channel here :
Yes try samples first, unless he has allergies than those other milk have to pray your baby drinks whatever you buy cause not cheap 😅
Didnt try any samples straight away use Enfamil for my baby since newborn and till today 5 months old no problem
I didn’t get samples. I followed what my bro gave their children for formula milk, S26 and he is liking it. :)
Yes I tried all the samples.. my lo drinks all but I go on with Aptamil n Grow .. those r good I felt
Hi... yes, please get samples from infant formula brands. Get LO to try and buy the brand LO prefers.
You can also consult your PD. Mine suggested Nan HA as she says the Abbott ones have too much sugar.
Clara's Mummy