Formula milk
How do you decide which formula milk to feed your baby? Do you get samples for him to try?

hello! i've started formula for my LO since early month (mix feeding but more to formula now). honestly....i read up on different blogs and opinions of formulas available. but at the end of the day, i realised it's how your LO able to tolerate it. also, keep in mind that a high value formula does not mean the best formula for you baby (in terms of tolerable, there are also comparison on different formula benefits too!). i started with Abbott Grow (i grew up with it & it is the most affordable in the market as well); my LO is able to tolerate it so we're good! no effects of her having allergies or lactose intolerence etc. if you're convinced on brands that has been listed down as the best formula in the market, go for it! hope your LO accepts the first formula you provide 😄
Read moreI would start with brands like I think is common, buy in small tins. Trial and error. My first started with Similac and after 2 years old changed to Nan Pro. For my second I started with Dulac, changed to Friso Gold and now Isomil Soy Based. Planning to change back to normal milk formula to avoid being lactose free or lactose intolerant. So I would say you got to watch for their poop colour, how often they poop.
Read moreI also experience the same frustration as you too when comes to choosing.. So initially i took samples for him to try. Now still trying out the different milk formulas. Hopefully can get the one that my LO is suited with soon
I am breastfeeding my child now. But I heard that S-26 is pretty good. So might consider S-26 when my LO starts with milk formula.
I followed what hospital gave and stick with that for now. Or as long as baby still accept it