
4 Replies

Since ur child is quite big now, maybe it's time to consider giving the child fresh milk? By 3 most of the nutrients are suppose to be from solids. Is bm comfort latching for him? U may want to consider weaning him if u forsee it will be difficult to handle both in the future. Moreover, the special part abt bm is that it is "customized" to ur baby's nutritional needs and "defense needs". Say if child is sick, the bacteria is slightly transmitted to the breast which will in turn prepare a bm w more antibodies to fight the sickness by the time the next feed or 2 happens. But if there is 2 child latching, their nutritional needs are very different and the customization is not accurate anymore? If u know what I am trying to say?

Yes, but tot it's sad for the first child..

VIP Member

during pregnancy are you still able to produce milk? If yes, you can continue to tandem feed even after you pop! Just bring your toddler to visit you after you pop to latch on and help to stimulate

Thanks :)

VIP Member

your elder child have to 'wait' awhile before able to tandem while you are away. meanwhile offer either FM or fresh milk to your LO

Either you express and start preparing in advance of you may have to bring your child along. Before that how old is your child?

3 yrs, mostly on solids and fresh milk, bm at night

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