Hi Mums and Dads! I have a worry that I really need advice w/. We recently moved frm Lipa Batangas back to Pasig&ofcourse that meant also moving my incoming nursery2 to a new school.(w/c is kind of late since we finalized the decision just this may) we found the best school that matches our preferences but they don't have nursery there,only kindergarten.so Atha has to skip N2 and K1(she's turning 5 this july). we had our child take the exam and she passed tho we were told that we really need to put work in helping her keep up with their lessons this school yr.i was pretty confident at first since Atha was an honor student in her previous school but then when we got her books earlier,i worried that she'll be overwhelmed.they have 4 math books(singapore math) and the class is12-4pm w/c is an hour&30mins longer than what she had before.Her comm skills are proficient(if i may say so myself as a former English instructor) but her and numbers are quite not in good terms.also,writing skill needs polishing.i'll appreciate it so much if you'll give me tips on this.

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