Hi all, I have a four-month old boy who is currently having trouble sleeping in his cot. I'm aware of the dangers of co-sleeping and would like for him to transition smoothly to sleeping in his own bed. So far we tried white noise and pitch dark room and it worked for a while. Also because I latch on demand, and for my own sanity I lay down and feed him in the middle of the night while I try to get some sleep. Could that also be another factor that's making it difficult for him to sleep in his own cot? For now it seems like co-sleeping is our best bet because we get the most amount of rest out of it, but baby us growing bigger and we're squeezing in a queen sized bed. Hubby and I are both having aches in the morning from being confined to very limited space. Any advice?

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I had exactly the same issue, my boy is now 4 months too: Here is our routine: He sleeps around 9 on our bed and I will transfer him to his cot. I try to catch some eye-shut too and wakes up around 1am to pump (I now pump and bottle feed) and gives him his dream feed when he is sleepy or sleeping. Around 3-4am when he usually "wakes up" and lets out a whine, I will give a pacifier. Often, he will settle down fast and wake up around 5-6am for next feed. However, on days that he is so sober and whining non-stop, I will give in and bring him to the bed so all of us can catch some precious sleep. I will probably invest in bed guards when he can turn over. Heard many stories of babies falling over.

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