3 Replies

Hi there. There is a height and weight chart in the health booklet which is the. One that singapore uses. Just to note that there is no must put on how much weight. Kind o thing but that baby generally gaining height and weight according to the percentile that he is in. There will be some ups and downs, as long as its not a drastic drop like 75% to 25% or the other way round (a large increase) then all is fine. At 7 months a lot of factors coe into play. Depends on how well baby taking solids, teething, how much milk and how active (if they are crawling a lot already). Generally when they start crawling, the weight will stagnant or gain v slowly

Hey dear, during your babies check up i suggest for you to ask the nurses. In fact they will usually tellyou if baby is in the normal range and show you the health booklet as well. As to how much weight they have to out on every month, i dont think its fixed. Babies weight differ, it will keep going up and down .

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