Do you have weird hobby ?
Do you have weird hobby ?
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nggak tau hobby tiba-tiba suka tertawa kalau tengok orang marah macam wajah tu comel tapi jelek satu Mase, lagi ape lihat video mukbang itu abis tu buat, time hamil je

hobi sy time pregy je yg pelik... is tarik rambut n the best moment bile tgk botak skit kt kulit kepala.. hhahaa

pegi kedai buku, bau helaian buku, paling pelik dlm hidup spjg prgnt ni

suka cium bau sabun May lavender. N gigit sabun. lepas tu kumur2.

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No, my hobbies are normal hobbies #TAPsupermoms #TAPactiveusers

Baca lagi

hobby sy time pregnant suka kumpul doll


Tidak #TAPactiveusers #TAPSupermoms

Super Mum

super aktif X pndi pnt🤣


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