have anyone experience H1N1 Influenza A during pregnancy ?
My daughter have it. she is currently in the hospital. im quite positive i might get the virus too.
How do you overcome it ?
Hi. I hope you are okay. My son is diagnosed of Influenza A and it is hard to keep distance as i help to take care and im pregnant. I try not too and we all wear mask.
Did you get medication for it?
That's great. How many weeks were you when you had the H1N1? There are always new strains so all we can do is hope for the best especially we have kids too.
Super Mum
If you have symptoms, get yourself tested for the virus. The antiviral medicine for H1N1 is safe for pregnancy, so get treated if you need to. That’s the best way to keep baby safe
Momsy of 2 superhero little heart throb