Has any mummies experience the newborn baby crawl during "skin-to-skin" contact right after delivery? Can you describe the experience?

Yes i experienced the skin to skin or "unang yakap" with my baby when I gave birth. I personally reminded my obgyne and pedia that this be done during my delivery :) It was an exceptional feeling. Having my baby right there, trying to locate my breasts. It gave my baby the sense of security and the warmth he felt when he was still in my tummy. Be sure to remind your "team" that you want to experience this unang yakap with your baby. But some hospitals really practice this.
Read moreThis is known as 'breast crawl' and yes both of my no.1 and no.2 did it right after the birth. Thus, hospitals normally encourage skin-to-skin bonding right after birth by placing baby on your chest. It has many benefits for breast crawl and one of them is to stimulate early breastmilk supply. http://www.breastfeeding-problems.com/breast-crawl.html
Read moreI Rmb when my firstborn was given to me by my gynae, straight after born, she would cry v loudly and then move or nudge towards my chest. Incredible is the only word I can think of. I rmb watching documentaries on newborn babies moving to find mummies' breast. I don think it is possible till I experienced it myself.
Read moreI did when I gave birth on our second child. First time to experience it. It was special. It was funny at the same time because I felt like she was moving towards my breast so she can feed. The skin to skin is a great help for mommy and baby to form a bond that's why I'm so happy we were able to experience it.
Read moreI did.. with my first born and I'd say it's the most amazing, magical and I don't know anything else to describe how great it was. She crawl towards the source of her food (my breasts) and suck, like a professional sucker haha! it's so wonderful to see and experience.
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Yup, I did. It was incredible, astounding and makes you feel so 1 with your baby. I wish I had a video of the moment. But I only have pics of her first latch.
Can't wait for that to happen to me! Husband is actually jealous that he won't get to experience it! Lol!
it's amazing