Eczema or just dry skin?
Hi mummies/daddies here, any suggestion on body wash i can use on my newborn with dry skin? Not sure if its eczema. Any parents here with experience with eczema can tell if this looks like it is? Also Ive been using Cetaphil Calendula range and so far keeps flaring up after i use. Would appreciate any suggestion :) TIA!

It may or may not be eczema. From the looks of it, looks like milk rash to me but better to bring to a dermatologist who specialise is paeds. You can try looking up for Dr Shanna Ng from The Dermatology practice @ Mount E Orchard! In the meantime, you might want to try putting vaseline baby over the cheeks and to always wipe the cheeks with wet cloth after every feeding and keep moisturising
Read moreYou can try aveeno or sebamed... I myself have eczema since young till now... Try not to apply too much steroids as it tends to make baby skin even dryer ... Remember to hydrate your baby and apply moisturizer when baby skin is dry...
alrighty will take note of that! ty for the advice 😊 child has this too. better to see a pd
i thought so too. will bring her to a pd soon :) btw what body wash and lotion are you using on ur child?