Hai ... My query is about bf. I am planning to giv my lo at least six months bf only after that starting solids. But now I am confused whether baby gets enough milk or not? How can we understand that.. My lo is now 4.5 months old her birthweight is 3.45kg now her weight is 6.5kg. Is that normal weight gain? Because nobody encouraging me to continue bf my mom n mil as well ( except my sister n hubby- both are staying out of country) so i am soo depressed this reducing my milk flow .what all are the steps to taken care to continue a healthy n good bf journey n improve bm flow??? Please help me.. Thanks in advance..

Yes i agree with Yuna, the best doctor you can give your baby is a a healthy immune system and breast milk is the best food for baby as least for the first 6 months. WHO encourages bf up to 2 yrs. breastfeeding is a bittersweet journey to enjoy with your LO. Babies are smart, if yours is latching, first bb wont starve themselves and neither overfeed. My first was a big baby while 2nd one small so the weight gain isnt a good indication. As long as bb is healthy gaining weight and happy. our parents generation are brain washed to think formula are better so dont be beaten by their comments. You must be happy and not dread feeding baby too. Enjoy
Read moreFirstly, I think you shouldn't place your decision whether or not you continue to breastfeed on other people's opinion. It's your body and if you feel that you have the means and you enjoy breastfeeding your child, then by all means, do continue because breastfeeding has lots of benefits. As long as your baby is putting on weight steadily and is developing well, there is no need to worry. I say, just relax and don't worry too much about what others think. Your breastfeeding journey is yours and baby's to enjoy. Don't let other people cause you distress and affect your baby's best source of vitamins and nutrients.
Read moreUsually babies should be doubled their birth weight. Based on what you mention high chance baby is growing well. As long as baby is healthy, playing and nothing out of the norms. It's okay. Many of the older generation all say it's because we have a low supply. Each baby is different and has different needs. Do not be affected by what others say. End of the day no one will know what your child needs most. Follow your instincts. Enjoy this precious moments with your child. It won't last forever. And when they grow, you will wish that you can do it all over again. All the best and Jiayo!
Read moreI think that's a normal weight again. And you can check it against her baby book. They have the chart there. As for bf, the often you give, the better your supply is. Also, your state of mind affects your general health and that in turn affects your milk supply. So just enjoy this journey and remember that not all moms had this privilege. You are one lucky mom. And look at the bright side, you save so much money from not buying powder milk and bm of course is the best! I was sad that I had to mix feed my first baby. All the best and it's nice if you can get together with other bf moms :-)
Read moreYou have to be determine in breastfeeding. First 6 months, just think of nothing. Keep on latching baby and don't think about the output at all. The more you think about it, the more stressful it will be & it will affect your supply. Weight gain wise, AS LONG there is increament it's good. Means baby is growing. Just stay calm and positive. think happy things. When u are happy and calm, milk will just flow. Important also hydrate.
Read moreRelax..ur baby should double her birth wait by 6 mnths. Exclusive breast feeding is what will give your baby a strong immunity and healthy dgestive system. Eat well and rest as much as u can.use topfeed only if ur pediatrician reccomends so. My baby is 4 mnth old exclusively breast fed.sharing from experience.please be assertive for ur baby
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