23 Balas
klu hb drop slalu nurse akn bising pasal kopi hehe .. klu hb ok .. tkpe ..
Its ok...as long as you limit yourself to drink 1 cup per day as i am.
sye minum kopi setiap hari last2 baru2 ni cek up hb low..kne stop dah 😥
sy minum kopi juga for seconds child, so far everything ok 😄
secawan sehari should be ok. jangan saja minum bercawan cawan 😄
aduh kdng2 tu becawan2 jg..tp sbb baby i nak stop dah ambl kopi
Control your caffein bcus its not good for your baby..
sya selama preagy xperna ambil kafen sebab hv low .
tapi kalau teringin tu komy bole la minum secawa dua cawan 😁
U can try decaf coffee,nescafe has it too.
VIP Member
please stay away from kafein mommy.