PT kabur

Hai everyone.its my first time pt show 2 line but not is I'm pregnant or not? My last period cycle was in march 2019.

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Tulis jawapan

try buat test again after wake up in th morng. klu ade line lagi confirm pregnt

I think is positive, but go and clinic to check will be more accurate yaa

Sy dlu pon camtu.. Mmg xclear sgt tp bile scan dah 7minggu

Buy clear blue digital.more accurate. Watson sell around rm40+

5y ago


VIP Member

Utk kepastian cek upt kembali selepas 2w...

Yaa pregnant tu . Congrats ❤️

VIP Member

Its positive . Dlu saya pun mcm tu jg..

5y ago

Tq ...

Repeat test upt. Or try scan

Yes pregnant

Scan is more accurate