Had my first child at 28 years old and planning to have 1-2 more. Not ready to get pregnant again though (my daughter just turned 1 a month ago). At what age will infertility become a possible concern of mine?
Here's a good read about infertility during ages 20s, 30s and 40s. I think at age 30, infertility isn't the only thing to worry about if you're planning to get pregnant. There are lots of risks for both the mom and baby although many are still able to give birth without complications. http://www.parents.com/getting-pregnant/infertility/causes/infertility-in-your-20s-30s-40s/
Magbasa paAt 30 years of age, our body starts to become less of how it should be and that includes our egg cells. We become fragile, for the lack of a better term. But despite it, lots of women are still able to bear a child. This, however, has a negative effect since conceiving and bearing a child isn't easy and may take its toll on our bodies.
Magbasa paMany experts say that ovulation drops when we reach our mid-30s. Though infertility becomes a more urgent concern by the age of 40 and above, pregnancy is not impossible. Some even believe the chances of bearing twins increases with age. So, don't worry, you have a lot of time! :)
I remember that on my genetics class, the professor said that quality of eggs decrease by age 30. Quality further decreases as you grow older than that. In my personal observation, infertility becomes a pressing concern by age 40. I think you're still on the right track though :)
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I know quite a few people who have kids around their 30s I would say maybe 40. By then ovulation drops terribly. So if you are planning to have another kid, prolly let's say by early thirties.
A lot of time. Technically until u menopause. But there may be periods of infertility
Dont worry, i just had my #3 at age 43 😁