No option to choose hospital for delivery

My gynae is tied to only Mount Avernia Hospital. Its a good hospital but does not allows ligation due to religion. This is my 3rd csec and I really wanted to do ligation at the same time. It will not make sense for me to return 2 months later after delivery to do the surgery. Anyone facing similar situation? I heard gynaes can appeal for exception case. I have thought of changing gynae for delivery if he still refuses...

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Change gynae if he is tied to mount A. Mine 3 are all c sect too. Same gynae at mount A. My gynae also do ligation if other hospitals. But I still chose mount A. I feel comfortable with the same doc and hospital.

VIP Member

Yes, it doesn’t make sense to wait. Maybe you can try asking your gynae to appeal. If it fails, you can then change to another gynae at another hospital.

VIP Member

Your alternative would be to switch gynae. With this CB period the rules are pretty strict for gynae to stick to only 1 hospital.

4y ago

Thank you

Super Mum

Is it your gynae that refuses or the hospital?

4y ago

I see. After the circuit breaker is lifted, you can check with him to see if they allow him to practise at more than one centre again:)