When to go to hospital for delivery
Ftm here. When did you go to hospital for delivery? If waterbag broke, do i go there immediately or i can take my time ? And if no waterbag breakage, only contractions, how close apart contraction do i start making my way to hospital? #FTM

If this is your first pregnancy, you may take your time. Some mummies I know will shower, eat and change before going hospital. They will monitor the frequency of contractions. If it is from 2min to 4mins, they will immediately go hospital. Usually first pregnancy will take pretty long to dilate. However, some hospital will advice if you are 3cm dilating, waterbag break like a week or two after check up then you should immediately go to labour. If you are unsure, do call labour ward to check. For me, both pregnancy 3cm dilate . Second pregnancy I had mild contractions but I endured more than 12 hrs until I am admitted in labour 😊 Both pregnancy were at different hospital hence procedure was different. Also both exceed EDD.
Read moreMost probably can take your time but you have to time your contractions. If the intervals are too intense, you have to go hospital already. You can also call up the labour ward and the nurses will advice you when to come in. 😊 I’m a FTM, overdue for 4 days, no waterbag breakage, mucus plug still there. My waterbag only broke 5.5 hours after inducing and 10 mins before labour. 5-1-1 Every 5 mins, last 1 min for at least 1 hour then you should get ready to go. 😊
Read moreI just went for childbirth course. They said if light bleeding or experience contractions that are bearable still can take your time shower pack bag and make your way to hospital. But once waterbag break, either colorless liquid or liquid with greenish stuff (baby’s poo) then must immediately go hospital because once your waterbag breaks you will get infection very easily which is dangerous to baby. If heavy bleeding then also must straightaway go in.
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