8 Replies

Super Mum

I'm also friends with my helper on fb so I agree it's good to see what they're posting about (they could be posting pictures of your child without your consent or something similar). I think your husband may have good intention, but if you think something is suspicious you can just watch their interactions and set some boundaries if needed. Don't stress too much and focus on your baby and delivery!

omg!! It is NEVER over reacting when a helper adds your husband and not you. you need to ask her to unfriend your husband. Your husband should know better, not to add her. omg!! this is alarming. plus, i don't think it is appropriate? like seriously?

Not overreacting ,i do think there should be respect from your helper to you ,she should have ask first if its ok with you i mean personally thats what I expect,it won’t bother me as i think its one way of keeping in touch and observe ,trust your hubby😀

i did ask my husband , he said nothing wrong ..his reply easier to keep an eye on her because she is new .. when I ask my helper why she added him , she said not her , it was him. I also dunno who to believe

VIP Member

Monitor both your helper and your husband. it’s not a bad thing for him to have your helper on fb. It’s good to know what activities your helper does as well.

I will feel suspicious. better observe the helper if she will be flirty. I can be oversensitive but I try to hide it. guess preggy moms are like that, bit insecure. :(

I also dunno , how to react feels like all is my fault.. I feel I am over reacting ...or feeling insecure

definitely hooking up pinoys are wild . but I would love to have you do you like tall guys ....

If you suspect something is wrong, terminate the helper soonest possible.

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