Going malacca with my 1 year old. What should I look out for and what should I bring? Should I take a carrier or a stroller? I nv plan to take slow cooker there.. any food that is suitable for my LO in malacca?

Carrier for melaka.. The side walks aren't wide enough for stroller n u will be jaywalking most of the time. esp when u go for night walk at their market.. alot of ppl. I'd say it really depends on how comfortable u are with letting him have adult food.for breakfast, hotel buffets offer a line-up and you should be able to find basics like bread, porridge, fruits, yogurt, eggs, which are great for toddlers too. For lunch and dinner, if you're heading out to explore Malacca, opt for proper places to reduce risk of contamination. there are a few malls there - notably there are 3 major ones that are linked to each other. you'll find cafes and restaurants there. otherwise, we favoured Bei Zhan, a chinese restaurant that served up good food at affordable prices.
Read moreLO was 15 months when we went. I personally prefer babycarrying. Safer and also can talk to him about the sights n sounds. Chicken rice balls are famous in Malacca and also suitable for children. I also highly recommend Teo Soon Loong teochew food but you have to book a table in advance as they usually don't entertain walk in since restaurant is v small Chinese restaurant souper tang has nice soup. we gave him broccoli, chicken with plain porridge from the restaurant
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I jus went there recently. U can get a mini porrridge cooker from giant supermarket. Its really mini like a palm size . Then u can bring ur carrots corns etc. Cook in the hotel and put into ur thermal flask.
A carrier will be better. Stroller is not convenience over there especiallt jonker street night market etc.