My girl cries a lot ....wen she goes to play school... It's been ten days....tell me how should I make her settle there

I think take a break and counsel her. This is what happened with my daughter a few days back. Though, she is 6 year old, but same thing I faced. She suddenly started crying to go to school and would often tell me that I would not go and I miss you a lot in school. One day, it happened so that I had to get her back from the school gate because she started crying so bitterly that I did not have the heart to leave her. Then, I gave her a couple of days off from school, and while making her have total fun all those days, counselled her simultaneously. I figured out if something was bothering her in school, I spoke to her teacher if there is she is uncomfortable in the school. When I was confirmed that all is well in the school, I realised that it was separation anxiety and it was more so because we had recently shifted to a new place. I suggest, you should talk to her teacher first and figure out that all is well in the school. If all is well, seek little help from the teacher, as in to pay more personal attention to her till the time your daughter is not settled. And before that take a break for her and counsel her at home. Treat her when she doesn't cry in school and appreciate her in front of others. This will also boost her confidence. If this doesn't work in one go, then when you take her to school, you can hang around there for some time till she is settled. You can do it for a few days, and once she is comfortable, you can follow the normal routine.
Read more10 days is still too early for her to settle in and i can understand how it breaks your heart to see her cry. i placed my younger one in playschool but took her out after just 2 days, as my hubby was not able to take the crying. i think a good tip that did work for us was to let her go to the playschool for a few days in the week, then take a small break. that way, it made her feel that she was mostly going as a play time activity and not like a routine. some days she even started missing going to the playschool and would ask us about it. i also used to do role play games with her, where she would be the teacher and me the student. if possible, stay back for a few days and show her that mamma is right outside the door. tell the teacher to bring her out once and show her to you, so that she knows you are there. once she is more and more comfortable, you can leave.
Read moreits a big change for her and i dont think 10 days is enough to condition her. it is true that some babies don't cry at all, while others cry too much. my baby went for just a day and was so unhappy that we got her off. even while going to nursery now she cries a lot, but has adjusted otherwise and is generally happy in school :) i think keep giving your baby breaks in between, so that she finds a balance
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