How to get my kid to play with her toys for longer?
She gets bored of each toy after a few mins - and has soo many toys already!!

Rotate Their Toys! When Joreen was younger, she was exposed to a lots of toys at once. I can see that she was overwhelmed & distracted! Hence I go google & come out with periodically rotating her toys. I group her toys into few boxes which give her a selection of various toys to play and rotate the boxes every 2 - 3 days It’s like those toys are brandnew to her. 😂 Young children learn the best from new experiences! I can see changes in her during her play time -more happy & enjoy her toys -more focus & can better master the learning task. Previously she had “scattered play”. Unfortunately, scattered play kills the opportunity for the brain to successfully master a concept or skill. The brain may learn about the concept, but the concept will not be mastered. -more appreciative & care for her toys -increase in creativity (she learn as she discover a new way to play with an old toy instead of just throwing them ard😅) - promote self directed play **She has 3 big box of mix toys (i labelled them box 1, 2, 3), 1 box of building & constructing toy (lego), 1 box of music & instruments toys**Total of 5 boxes! This way, they can be able to play with all their toys, but they won’t be overloaded with so many toys to choose from.
Read moreif your child is still young, the attention span will be shorter and that's pretty normal, and more so if a child is active and wanna explore everything. I suggest you stop buying toys, unless it's one that can spark creativity, focus, problem solving. otherwise, a child can also learn much but playing with household items, or going outdoors more. keep the toys in boxes and rotate the boxes weekly so that it seems like there are always new and different toys. hope it helps!
Read moreHi mummy, it's crucial to know how old your little one is. Kids have varying attention spans at different ages, and it might be quite normal for your little one to get bored quickly. At a young age, even within the same age range, attention spans could differ from child to child depending on their personality. To keep you child engaged, you can "line up" toys and give a different toy when they get bored of the first one.
Read moreSometimes, they are not just interested in playing toys and prefer to play non-toys (remote, cellphone, etc) I guess only when they’re older then they will appreciate the toys that we buy. My child is turning 17 months and have bought so much toys for her + hand me downs from my sis, but really, she doesn’t play the toys much and prefers to be at playground interacting and playing with older kids.
Read moreHow old is your kid? Having more toys will not solve the issue. Do you play together with her? She may be bored as she doesn't know how to play with the toys or because there is no company. Does she switch from one toy to another after the few min play or leave the toys completely? If it's the former, try putting away the toys, only offer 1 or 2 toys at each time.
Read moreHi! My two cents—it could be more than the number of toys. Sometimes more toys do more harm than good. Try to find out what’s stopping her from continuing playing? Is she having difficulty with the toy? e.g Are the blocks too big for her fingers? It will also help if you are to play alongside with her to increase concentration :)
Read morei would suggest involve her in other activities such as board games or outdoor activities. or play with your child with those toys to show them creative ways to make stories, plays and imginative work out of them. a child starts getting bored of toys in a few minutes if there are too many toys and too little of other activities.
Read morepretend to throw away the toys. put them in the trash bin and they'll retrieve the toys. then reason with them that they no longer play with it so can throw away. And they'll start playing with them. sometimes just telling them you're giving it away to the neighbours or cousins may just yield the same results.
Read morePlay together with her and the Creative as to what it can also be, as it’ll help your child’s Creative thinking, by taking a few of her toys and make up a story, and get her continue as to what she thinks will happen Plus, being expressive and making exclamation would intrigue them to play with their toys
Read moreIt’s normal!!! . I keep switch here n there haha. Play with her too. -You can bring baby to indoor or outdoor playground. -Bring her down for a stroller walk at the playground area etc -Buy bubbles gun , can play at the playground or park area etc
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