6 Replies

I guess you had the same question as me before my test - the consistency of the drink! I thought it is going to be like cough syrup (thick), but it turn out to be just super sweet water. It is not that bad to get it down, considering no water for 12 hours. You can do it and all the best!

Well done!!!

I was given the orange flavored ones so it Taste like F&N orange without the gas. But I find it extremely sweet, just finish it within the time given & don't vomit out or else have to come again & retake the test.

Thanks everyone for your tips and replies! I did my GD test today! The drink was initially okay but was really struggling around the halfway point! I didn’t puke and I passed the test!! :)

the taste like fanta.but a bit sweet.it okay u can do it just try calm and dont think ur going to vomit out.Coz if u throw up u going back again nextime and do it again

its like gatorade. orange gatorade. i thought i couldnt keep it down too. had to finish by 5 mins. small bottle.

Thanks everyone for your tips and replies! I did my GD test today! The drink was initially okay but was really struggling around the halfway point! I didn’t puke and I passed the test!! :)

I was given tip by fellow mummy, bring ur own straw. It rly helped, i did mine 2 weeks ago and didnt vomit

Thanks everyone for your tips and replies! I did my GD test today! The drink was initially okay but was really struggling around the halfway point! I didn’t puke and I passed the test!! :)

Like soft drink without gas. No need worry so much.

Thanks everyone for your tips and replies! I did my GD test today! The drink was initially okay but was really struggling around the halfway point! I didn’t puke and I passed the test!! :)

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