Anybody give birth already?

38+4 and no signs of labour, i am so tired. Anybody given birth already wanna share ur birth story?

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Yes! I’ve given birth on my 38weeks 3days ❤️❤️❤️ went for total natural labour without epidural, BUT WITH ONLY LAUGHING GAS. 😳 gotten GDM during this pregnancy and induction is the only plan for labour. Warded on the last day of appointment, induced with prostaglandins (string/tape inserts through cervix to help to soften and dilate) by 3pm (0cm dilation) ctg monitoring of baby’s heartbeat contractions and warded under induction labour ward. By 11pm, checked and dilated 2cm. By 4am, dilated 3-4cm, and that’s when contractions are getting more consistent and accompanied along with back pains and cramp-like pressure similar to period cramps. Nurse came in to check as the ctg machine pings signals that contractions are consistent, and was told that they need to port me to delivery suite and i may inform my husband to come down. Went through cramps and pressure near pelvic and back pain cramps with only laughing gas and more belly hardening and contractions. (I didn’t know my pain level threshold but the cramps/contraction sure comes in handy). By 9am , doctors agreed to break the water bag and reminded me of more intense pressure. Was also offered to opt for epi? However, i strongly let them know of how natural i want my birth plan to be. No pain reliefs except laughing gas. By 10am , i was 7cm dilated and i felt the strong urge to push. It feels like you’ve really got a big s*** to dump and your uterus is just doing its thing and apply pressure to push down and by this time, baby’s head is really low through the cervix. You really need to be mind over body and deep breath for every contractions (if you’re not planning to opt for epi or any other pain relief). By 11am , baby is safely delivered with some tears as was told that there was complete full 10cm dilation, however baby can’t go through the cervix outlet as baby was also weighing more than 2.89kg (last checked of baby’s weight during last appt in the earlier morning). Was jabbed with numbing the cervix area for stitching afterwards. (I can still feel them stitching me! So i told my husband to help with the laughing gas to get me drowsy and feel less pain!!!) Remember, every pregnancy is different, every labour is different and every woman’s body is built different.

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9mo ago

My motivation was: if back in the days, our mothers could do it naturally and raw, so why not me? It somehow encourage and motivate me to hence go for natural labour.

Done and dusted! Went natural with epidural, at 38w4d on April's fools day so people were doubtful until I showed pictures 😂 went to the hosp the day before. Warded cos I was 2cm dilated, took laughing gas and a shot to deal with contractions. At 10pm I decided to get checked cos contractions were bad. At 4cm then, so immediately took epidural. 1am was at 6cm, then 5+ am doctor broke my water bag at 10cm. My gynae came to deliver at around 7am, pushed for a few rounds and baby was out by 7.10am! Jiayou mummy, a bit more! 💪💪

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9mo ago

But don't worry babe, maybe diff people got diff pain tolerance level. Yours might differ from mine! 😊 Maybe you can tahan better than me hahaha

gave birth at 37+1! induced labour due to high BP suddenly. induced at 2pm, gave birth via vaginally at 9am the next day! super super tough but epidural really took alot of my pain away. literally felt so good after child is out. i'm on my 4th day recovery now, i can bend, eat, sleep well!!!! so happy baby is out :)

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Wanna ask the same. I am also 38+4 today and no sign of labour. Feel too tired. Belly is tight and hurt. Walk, exercise and eat some fruits that people say they induce labor but nothing work so far 🥹

9mo ago

Lmaoooo glad to know im not alone, lets just wait it out 🥴🥴🥴

I'm 39 weeks today and still no signs of labour... Just some mild period cramp feeling once in a while, but they're irregular so I don't think they're contractions. Hope baby comes soon for us 🥲

9mo ago

I am 39 weeks today. Gynae suggests to induce at 40 weeks. Too tired.

I’m 37w & all I feel is period-like cramps n pressure in my pelvic area. Not too sure what to expect in the next few weeks 😅

38wks+5days and no signs of labour. CTG also no signs of contraction. My gynae asked me to self admit myself on my EDD 😕

38 weeks and 3 days! no signs of labour but tightening and cramps every few hours. So hard to sleep too haha hais

Week 37, water bag burst n off to emergency c-sec.