Gdm FTM experience
Hi, FTM mummy here. Just recently got diagnosed with Gdm. Was wondering how will I know of my diet controlled is good and if Doctor will put me on medication or insulin? I have been checking my sugar level every day and sometimes they do Spike. Having my first doctor checkup soon and was hoping for good news

I had gdm 2nd pregnancy and now again on 3rd. I monitor my own diet after ogtt. My first trimester got me taking candies or sour plums n sweet drinks to help with morning sickness. That I believe spiked the sugar levels up. But in 2nd trimester I'm a plain water and fruit person. Normal small meals. my 2nd was born healthy at 35wks with no diabetes. I hope i will do well with the current pregnancy too. Do check ur levels to assure yourself ur doin well mummy, and manage the diet too. All the best to us.
Read moreI had borderline GDM, and went for a course at Thomson Medical. they tracked my glucose reading via a sensor for 2wks. Though my sugar lvl did go beyond the limit occasionally (like once a day😅) and sometimes even hit 10 point mark, I eventually managed to find out what food is safe for me. so the dr didn't put me on medication or insulin.
Read moreI’m a borderline GDM, having a zoom session with the dietitian soon. It’ll be just focused on meal planning for me, no need insulin or meds. For now I just cut down on my carb & stopped my milk(similac mum). I go for Low fat milk & unsweetened soya bean drinks instead. Brisk walk for 30mins after every meals.
Read moreI was diagnosed with GDM too. Managed my sugar level by using the glucose tracking device for two weeks. It helped me find the diet that it's suitable for me. Remember to cut your carbohydrates intake and always eat food with protein first before you have your carbohydrates. Take care!
You’d have to continuously monitor your diet & sugar lvl and report back to the doctor with each visit. If it continues to be out of the acceptable range, insulin will be given. That’s what I went through :)
Depends on doctor.. my one doctor wanted mi send her reading every wk.. i hv spikes here and there but she was afraid i m not taking in enuf and wanted me go on insulin… but i managed to do without :)