Covid during pregnancy
Just found out that I’m Covid positive yesterday and I thought my body aches n pin n fatigue is due to the pregnancy n that I’m growing old. Any MÚmmy had covid during their pregnancy? Is there any advice on how to cope? Sigh pie. I can’t wait for Covid to be over =*(

I'm tested positive day2 now at 22 wks. Had fever day1 but it broke out, was in sweat and then comes body sore and Runny nose. Called up kkh they say monitor as long no bleeding or waterbag leak and there's fetal movements, to self recover with paracetamol and 8th day still bad to see doctor to get PCR or if more worse symptoms to just check in to kkh. Hydrating more and taking fruit juices, vit C, greek yoghurt, coconut water, and dispelling all mucus or phlegm. Also inhaling steam from cloves in hot water. Let's get well soon mummies.
Read moreSame here got positive today. At my week 21. Still puzzled how I stay home yet the first to be positive... Lol. Left with throat discomfort, body sore & fever happened last few days... had luo han guo & 100plus & felt alot better. Doctor say lozenges are fine so I continue eating too. Hopefully, recover soon... Let's get over this together... #covid thankfully is mild. & less of a concern to deliver being infected...
Read moreYup tested positive last two weeks and few days later got diagnosed with cholestasis so two in one. But i recovered at home with mild symptoms and only got treated for my cholestasis. Just drink lots of water, coconut water, eat greek yoghurt and fruits and veggies. Also regularly check on your temp. Clorpheniramine for flu is good and i consumed nin jiom pei pak koa cough syrup 3 times a day and cough was vry minimal.
Read moreYes, I just recover from covid too. Even today I still feel tired and lethargic. Drink plenty of water and sleep lots. Ask doctor for pregnancy safe med which most doctor will provide. Although effect is slower but is definitely safer. I had Luo Han guo as well moderately, as body is pretty heaty. Do check with your Gynae if not sure what can take and what cannot. Rest well and get well soon.
Read moreCurrently 28wks along, am covid ve today. Mild symptoms.. do We really need to see a doc? Coz I’m allergic to paracetamol, Doc can’t prescribe me Postan coz pregnant.. so defeat the purpose of seeing one just for an MC.
im 33 weeks now found myself c+ today. Just sore throat n fatigue . other that dat im fine. just hv a plenty of rest and drink alots of water 😊 speedy recovery mummies we can do this #covid
Thank you❤
Same omg I’m day 2 week 26 so much phlegm coughing up tiny blood as well cos my chest hurts I’m sure this will pass for us Asap
Hey me too! My phlegm is greenish with some blood stained. Think is due to the ulcers inside my throat. Do take care too ok! ♥️
I just got COVID positive today too! Only can keep spamming water and rest to feel better . Hope u get well soon!
Thanks babe! I have recovered fully :)
A wife, a mom to a 16mths old toddler & an educator.