Feeling lost
Just found out that I was pregnant again with my 3rd baby while I just gave birth not long ago. Husband don’t intend to keep this baby. I don’t know what to do😭

I know how you feel, but I’m the opposite. My husband wanted to keep it while I do not. However my husband supports whatever I decide. Why not u and your husband sit down and have a talk. Weigh your pros and cons. Understand that we the women carry the baby and give birth to it, but parenting/parenthood should always be a shared decision. Try to compromise. Like for example, if the issue is financial, you can try seeking for financial help. Or if the issue is about having personal freedom, maybe can ty discussing a schedule that works for the both of u. Like for me, motherhood traumatizes me a lot. My husband wants a baby but he isn’t always around to help taking care of the baby, while I’m not really a baby person. So I feel forced into taking care of ours whenever he isn’t around, which is most of the time. So I told him no more babies until he can spend more time with us. Try to find a middle line. You can hear each other’s reason to keep or abort the baby. And do it fast! If you choose to abort, the faster the better!
Read moreDo what your heart tells u.... if u want to keep just keep. Who knows a few months later he have a change of heart❤
your husband should snap of his dick! It's his fault for the semens he had accidentally put in you. what a dickhead!
Oh dear , so sad to hear this . Would u able to giv up for adoption ?
Won’t be able, but everyone wanted me to abort it
Stay strong mummy!!!