Scheduled C-sect

First time mummy here!! I’m going for a scheduled Csect next Monday. Any advise beautiful mummies??

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Wow just bring back my caesarean experience from 1 month ago! Try to relax yourself during the surgery. Is painless but you will feel uncomfortable because of the tugging. It will end within 30-45min. After few hours, the epidural will wear off and you will start to feel the pain kicking in. You will be given painkiller but ask for it whenever is unbearable for you. You will feel thirsty and hungry, so ask for water and drink milo but take sips so that you wont be nauseated. You must stay hydrated by drinking alot water. If you are tired and couldn’t breastfeed all the time after surgery, ask the nurse to supplement with formula. Mental and physical rest is very important. Remember to start walking as soon as the nurse ask you too and wear your binder all the tome after the surgery. :) All the best dear

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5y ago

Hi to ride on , can I know why we must start to walk as soon as the nurse ask us to? I’m going for elective c sect this wed.