Csect delivery
happy new year mummies! i’m scheduled for a csect this coming Monday and feeling really nervous... anyone has any tips for recovery? what to expect? any thing in particular i should pack in my hospital bag? thanks in advance! #pleasehelp #firstbaby

Relax, don’t tense up. Buy a binder and SingHealth Pharmacy or anywhere that sells one. You’ll need to wear it after your c-sect. It helps A LOT. Recovery is tough, you’ll still feel contractions after your c-sect because your uterus is going back to its normal size. Ask for painkillers if you cannot tahan. I had to rely on morphine a bit post-delivery. Toss and turn on your bed on the first day, it helps with the blood flow. Wear compression socks, usually hospital will ask if you want one. Don’t drink cold water. Prop up your bed and sit up as soon as you can, walk as soon as you can too. Don’t wait too long cause after a day or two of being bedridden, you’ll walk funny. They’ll put you off the catheter the next day or so so that you can slowly walk to the toilet. Don’t wait until you want to pee then get up from bed cause it’ll take a while for you to normalise walking after a major operation. Get plenty of rest too. If you’re on scheduled c-sect you’ll be half-numbed so you’ll feel some tugging on your lower body. Tell the doctors if you still feel pain after the epidural. Good luck!
Read moreHi, I had csec for both my boys. I will recommend you to get a Hipster Wrap. On the 2nd day the nurse will ask you to stand up and walk, you will feel painful at you abdominal and this Hipster Wrap will definitely give you a big help in reducing the pain. On top of that, eat more fish will help you to recover faster and boost your bm if you're planning on breastfeeding. You can also get a fish Essence too.
Read moreDon’t stress yourself. Don’t force your body too much. Ensure that once your home dont carry heavy things. Sleep on your back. Support yourself when you are trying to get up from the bed! And if you want to be discharged by the third day ensure that you are drinking water and peeing also you have to walk. Have a smooth delivery and welcome to morherhood ☺️
Read morehave a safe delivery. bring along a comfy set of clothes for discharge. oh yes and binder.but u can get from hosp pharmacy once the nurse take ur measurements. try to come down from bed day 2 to start a bit walking. it will helps.
All the best. Everything will be fine. Bring pump to hospital