Threatened Abortion but 7 Weeks Pregnant!

My first pregnancy on 13 june i had gone through a miscarriage of a first trimester baby, it was said to be a blighted ovum because of chromosomal abnormalities. Uterus was cleared naturally and no need for d&c. Bled for 2 weeks only then went back to normal and healthy but not until 24 july i started to have inconsistent bleeding from light flow to heavy flow with large clots (when i use walk to much or workout). So both me n husband tot its the first period after miscarriage maybe thats why its different, then i kept bleeding continuously until 24 aug which has been a month when i decided to just go see doctor cos since two weeks before i started “feeling pregnant” with the symptoms one by one appearing and I recognised it well. But it wasnt so bad no vomit or anything just sensitive nose, fatigue hate to cook, hate my own cooking, hungry but no appetite, eat in large portions… just too many pregnancy signs while actually loosing so much blood kinda doesn’t sit right with me… So i tested using home kit and twice it showed that i am pregnant. So 24 aug i finally went to the doc at poly and took another test and yes, positive. But with all the bleeding, doc was panicked and referred me to kkh emergency right away… took an ambulance there it was a fun trip… was on iv drip for an hr then doc did the vaginal scan… while scanning, doc suddenly call for my husband to come and see the screen… so scary we didn’t know what the doc was gonna say! To my surprise, she was showing a baby formed at 7weeks and the heart was beating! Dear god! I felt like crying and puking at the same time! So to conclude… even doc said it was a rare case of threatened abortion, with the bleeding so much for more than a month but the baby in the sac is not affected, just surrounding tissue bleeding… amazing. And its also a rare case that i conceive very quickly after going through a miscarriage… this baby was said to be conceived on 20th july… so now 7 weeks pregnant although its a threatened abortion, doc gave hormone balancing pill cos she suspected its got ti do with the hormones since i got preg to fast after miscarriage… so far after taking the hormone pills, no more pelvic and back pain eversince. Pray for us dear readers! Thank you!

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Alhamdulilah, rezeki from Allah. Im another mummy feel happy for you and hubby. May you have a smooth pregnancy till your due date. Do take care of yourself and baby. And yes it is pretty rare and for majority pregnant lady, we can conceive pretty quickly due to also we can have a lot of egg follicles and it is healthy. Virtual hugs and congratulations 🤗

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3y ago

Alhamdulillah! Thank you so much love! May Allah bless your family with never ending happiness! 🫶🏽

Wow this is indeed a miracle. Am so touched just by reading this. Being a fellow woman and mummy, I cannot imagine the joy and surprise to know your baby is 7 weeks! This is just so amazing. Would definitely pray for you and hope this little one stays on. I’m sure he/she will. It feels likes you’re destined to have a baby soon! All the best babe!

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3y ago

Thank you so much sweetheart for the prayers! We appreciate it alot! I feel so much better after reading ur comment 🫶🏽