Worried and hopeful

Hi, this is the first experience. Just to share alil bit abt myself, im 33 tis yr (muslim), regular periods.Birthed 4 healthy children, Alhamdulillah.. (this is my 5th pregnancy), found out i was pregnant on 180224 with my 5th child. My 1st date of last menstrual period was 090124. Went to the hospital on 290224 for doc check up, vaginal and tummy scan, saw the sag and baby. But no heartbeat yet. So was told to come back 2weeks later for another scan, which was today 130324. Today doc told me my sag is growing eventho it was alil abnormally shaped (not round as normal, it was kinda curvy) but there was no baby to be found!. Showed doc my previous scan pic. Doc said, its definitely a baby on that scan. But today, no baby.. doc said i miscarried. But there was no bleeding, spotting or abnormal cramps etc all these while. Doc advised to come back in two weeks time for another, last scan to confirm if miscarried or if suddenly baby "appear". Doc say maybe "baby hiding". 😓 I feel lost and worried. I was told to be mentally prepared. Any mommies care to share your experiences or any advices for me? I appreciate all of it very much. Thank you.. ❤️

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should get doc to do blood test for you twice and compare hcg level. will know in a few days to confirm

Hi sis, I'm 33 too. This is my 3rd pregnancy. May I know which hospital you're going to for check-ups?

12mo ago

maybe for 2nd opinion u can try private clinic? like Thomson?