Feeling depressed at week 29

Hi fellow mummies, I’m FTM in my 29th week and in the past 2 weeks, I’ve been feeling down, many times I’ll just cry and feel sad and lonely in this journey even though my husband is physically with me. This negativity gets worse at night and I can’t seem to bring myself to do things and I keep feeling there’s nothing to smile about. Being tested positive for covid last week and having to quarantine at home made things worse. Is this normal and any tips on how to get over these hormonal mood swings? Is this a side effect of GD?Thanks.

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i am currently 34weeks pregnant. i felt the same way during my 1st trimester. sad, lonely and would cry for no apparent reasons. i felt empty and restless. morning sickness and horrible food aversion made everything 10 times worst. i dropped to 48kg and i hated almost all kind of smells. i even texted my mom and told my husband i don't want to be pregnant anymore. always wondered why having this baby is not making me happy or excited but horrible instead. feels guilty to think about it now, to whatever i said before of not wanting the baby no more. everynight or whenever im alone, i will cry. i tried to think positively but it was hard. my hormones was all over the place. i was lucky enough to have a supportive husband who helped me throughout and assured me that its normal to feel that way and tried to pamper me in the best possible ways. talking to someone about it helps too. i spoke to my close friends who was pregnant before and my mom. they had experience and it helped me a lil. to be honest, i don't have any tips how to get over it because i didn't really get over all of it. it eventually all magically disappeared when i entered my 13months. i felt sooo much better in my 2nd trimester and gotten back my appetite. hang in there! it will get better. and no, i don't have gd so its not the side effect.

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