Feeling depressed. My in-laws expect a boy from us right from the start. We have 3 girls now. And now that am pregnant again, they think the 4th one for sure is a boy. If it's a girl again, they will definitely think something is wrong with me and I am super unlucky not to have a boy at all. Seriously don't feel like announcing my pregnancy to them and also sharing the gender with them. #1 it was 75% confirm to be a girl and they insists the doctor is talking bullshit. Oh Wells.

I feel you and totally understand how you feel as I am in the same shoes. When I am having my firstborn, my pils ask me to pray to god to "change" my stomach from girl to boy. After my girl was born, they ask her right in front of me why is she "coming out" so fast and forget to bring the "sausage" with her. They claimed that the fortune teller said if she is born slightly later she will be a boy. For my second born, my pils told ask not to update them the progress of my kid unless she suddenly turn into a "boy". My Husband is only Son so my pils hint my him if he want to find a Vietnam lady as I am "too old" to give birth to Son since I am much older than him. I used to be so upset by these comments. However, my husband told me these, boy or girl it is our children afterall, we just need to focus on them to guide them well who know they might be better in all aspects than boys? Our friends use to tell us these they are so envy of us with two girls as we will have two extra "sons" to care for us. As nowadays Son-in-law treat pils better due to their Wife. So don't care about what others have to say and focus on your pregnancy and kids. Happy Mommy = happy kids = happy family!
Read moreHi, I get your point and understand what you must be going through but no matter what the situation is the fact is that the gender of the baby is not in anyone's hand. And I think this is the reality that we all should accept without blaming anyone. I know, at this point you too would want to have a baby boy because you have three daughters and that would have held true for a girl if you had three boys already. But as I said that that the gender of the baby is not in anyone's hand. If you have an understanding with your husband then make him deal with his parents and otherwise too there is no need to feel depressed about this thing. Hold your head high and announce that it is not you is creating the baby's gender inside you and when you happily accept whatever the baby's gender is, others too should accept it happily, and if not, the n they should keep their concern with themselves and do not spread it and spoil your family peace.
Read more1st of all don’t feel low .. coz scientifically all the ladies have XX chromosome n gents have XY chromosome.. so if kids gender can decide by men chromosome.. the X from women n Y from men can mix only Can we can give birth to boy baby .. X from women another X from men means we give birth to girl baby so there is no fault in Ladies to give birth to girl babies so don’t feel bad abt ur self .. just google abt it .. n talk to ur in-laws what ever the baby is born it’s our gift of god .. be strong momma.. tc
Read moreDoesn't matter whether u have 4 boys or 4 girls, in-laws are not going to appreciate your efforts and give u a "Best daughter in-law" prize. The end of the day, the day-to-day duties still come back to u. More importantly, u enjoy your pregnancy, have a smooth delivery and recover well to get the level of energy to deal with 4 kids. They have different needs all at the same time! More bills, more financial stress Take care of yourself first! Take your vitamin and good luck!
Read moreTell ur in-laws that boy or girl is base on the sperm and sperm is from husband! Anyway so what if boy or girl? The world is ending soon so what's the point of continuing the "family line"? Is there some great inheritance or business empire to inherit from them? Girls are many a times better than boys. They continue to care abt their family whether married anot. Boys on the other hand needs reminder to care abt their parents and family. Boy or girl, filial, healthy and obedient most important
Read more1. The sperm dictates the gender, not the egg. 2. I was told 80% girl. even at my anatomy scan, my ob said it looked like a girl but wasn't sure. 3. At 29 weeks I found out it's a boy thru 4d ultrasound. 4. My husband's paternal cousins all have boys except one who has fraternal twins from IVF. So in reality, I don't think there's anything I could do. My friend tried for baby no. 3 hoping it'll be a girl, but ended up having all boys. No. 3 is extremely attached to her, though
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Read moreDon’t stress yourself about this, think about your baby’s health. Boy or girl, it doesn’t matter, you will love him/her just the same. As one member mentioned, the egg doesn’t dictate the gender, the speed does, so this is not really in your hands. As for your in-laws, simply ignore their opinion. It doesn’t matter. They are going to raise your kids, you will. So whether you have a boy or a girl, unless you are happy with the result nobody’s opinion matters.
Read moreRemember that kids are born out of love from parents, not because for in laws. When I was pregnant with my boy, I also received comments like "Wow first one is a boy your job is completed" I feel like rolling eyes. For goodness sake, isn't a child being happy & healthy more important then the gender itself? I also never believe the part after having a boy want a girl next or vice versa to have 好. Having boys are too overrated...
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