Which is your favourite supermarket?
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Sheng Siong
Cold Storage
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I shop both NTUC and RedMart. Most of the time I ordered online as I have no time & energy to carry all the heavy stuffs. However I go to the store to pick up fresh veg, fruits and milk weekly.
NTUC is more accessible and I like finest cuz of the quality of products. But I’ll go to Cold Storage if only I need to get certain items I can’t get from Fairprice or red man
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Coz its the nearest to me and have mostbof what I need
They are all similar, i prefer one with wide aisle
Ntuc, and also cause of its price and convenience
Cold storage as it has better and more choices ;)
Near my place and supplies my requirements
NTUC Finest or the super big sheng shiongs
Cold Storage although it’s expensive
I frequently go to fairprice and giant