Buying 2nd hand bag
Hello everyone Wanted all ur opinion in this. Am buying a prada bag from my mil. Bag ori price is 2500$. She only wear it once. The thing is,she is not putting any price on the bag. She said that she will take whatever amt that i will give. Asked mr husband how much should i pay,he replied,half the ori price. Since its already 2nd hand,no matter what is the condition of the bag or how many tines it was used. If you are the seller, how much will u sell it for?

buying a pre loved item from a friend and family is tricky. for her cash maybe less important than her time with you and her family. it may not be a bad idea to keep the price lesser but compensate for it by spending quality time with her like taking her out for a fun dinner for the next few sundays or taking her to her favorite places etc or cooking her fav dishes. its a win win for both of you
Read moreSince she only used it once, and you like the bag, plus she is your MIL, not a stranger, I think it’s good to be generous and give her $2k? Half seems a bit too low especially since it was only used once. But only buy it if you really like it. The worst that could happen is that you have $2k lesser from your wallet but it goes to a family member.
Read moreProbably i will find out what the 2nd pricing and show her(MIL) and pay according to market pricing. But if partner say half of orgi price, i will push my hubby to do the deal with her. Make it as my hub is the one paying the bag .
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If it is a classic and still in good condition, I think it is worth to get it. Perhaps you can ask for special discount since you are getting from your MIL:)
$2000 but any receipt proof ? And hows the condition.. But i will avoid getting 2nd hand stuff from family
Beware of scammer. Meetup with the seller and inspect the bag carefully.
It could be a fake!
Between $2k - $2.2K