Hi everyone How do u all cope going back to work after your maternity? Its been a year since ive given birth and i am still dragging my self to work. This year alone ive taken 7 days of mc. 3 days if it is bcause im really sick and another 4 is bcause i want to be at home with my kid. My husband is always overseas and everytime i tried talking to him about this,he will just laugh it off. i just want to be at home and be with my kid. everytime i will feel sad and bad leaving my kid when im off to work.How do i motivate myself to go back to work? I really need to work as we need the money for the house and expenses.

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How about look for a part time job? Can spend more time with kid and have bit of income. I am a ftwm too. I always tell myself only at work I can have some me-time.. Whole day at home take care of baby will go crazy.. 😂