Behaving differently in school and at home

Hi everyone, I'm a mummy of two lovely sons and currently pregnant with my third. I'm just wondering why my elder son (age 4) can do so well in school where all the teachers are complimenting him, but at home, he will tend to do everything the opposite. Example, knowing that it's not right to hit his younger brother (age 3) but still does it in front of me and walk away smiling. Can anyone tell me why?

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I think that your elder son is jealous of his siblings and is seeking for attention. Maybe you should pay more attention on him and show them that you treat all of your kids the same

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Hi... I think your eldest son is seeking attention. Maybe he felt neglected. Please try to give him more affection and talk to him more often. Spend some mummy and son time alone to bond.

9mo ago

I think he need attention n he want to be fair for him n his brother cause normally always like that when he not enough love and care they will change when he at home so it's better give them fair n square 🥰🙏