aiming for normal delivery

hi everyone! i’m currently at 29 weeks. previous appointment, my gynae told me baby is slightly bigger than he is supposed to be. it’s my first child. am aiming for normal delivery. just wondering if anyone managed to deliver normally tho your baby’s big? 😅 i’m currently having GDM and controlling my diet and sugar intake. exercising daily and maintaining my weight.

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its doable. I gave birth to my first baby early at 28 weeks weight 2.875kg (not exactly that heavy) but Im petite at 148cm. I did natural no epidural. Everyone birth journey is unique so dont put pressure on yourself to have it perfect, but nothing wrong to wish for a dream birth of your choice as well. my tips on what I read and actually worked for me irl is... Walk LOADS squat occassionally haha. It helps that my work is very physical I have to stand all day and I pushed myself too cause my aim was natural birth from the start. Drink loads of water, coconut water, raspberry tea (?it speeds up birth) and dates. On the actual birthing day, delay gg to the hospital too soon. Dont worry, first baby normally takes time and home will be where you are most comfortable so it speeds up faster. I delayed until my contraction was every 5 mins that I decided to finally go hospital (bag was already packed). Eat a decent meal before and bring a big water bottle cause its gonna very draining, trust me. In terms of natural pain relief, I used tens machine (its an investment) idk it worked for me and served as a good distraction frm the pain and by 5 cm dilation tens machine helps but it starts to be intense. By 5cm, my tens machine battery died which was my biggest regret misplacing my extra battery. And other pain relief is good breathing technique which is very deep breaths 10 secs. ait forces you to stay calm in the face of pain and h3lps speed things along. You should be mentally strong and dont panic easily. All the best ya, most important you feel happy and baby and you is safe regardless of how the delivery went ❤️

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I had GDM as well, maybe that's why babies get so big haha. Prior to giving birth, my baby was measured at 2.9kg and 4 days later, baby was 3.5kg and yes I did it naturally so I'm sure you're able to do it too! Really really must control your diet if not baby's weight will increase a lot, at least that was what happened to me.

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ultrasound measurements can be off by around 20% as it depends on what the gynae can see and measure at that point of time. but since you have GDM, it'll be best to follow your gynae's advice for the sake of you and bb, even if it means you can't deliver naturally in the end. Just to check, how heavy is your bb at week 29?

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I didn’t had gdm but my first kid came out on week 37 at 3.64kg via natural birth. Definitely on the bigger side and his head was bigger so he has to be vacuum out. I guess epidural helped with my pain but I did had a hard time pushing him out

I had gdm and gynae induced labor at week 39. Normal delivery with epidural. All went well. Although gynae worried baby was on the bigger size, baby came out normal weight.

Most of us want to have normal delivery including me but just remember to be flexible when circumstances tell you otherwise