Baby weight
Mummy out there! During your pregnancy, did ur gynae ever mention to u that ur baby weight is a little bigger?? I'm currently 25 weeks pregnancy and my doctor told me my baby is slightly big. Is it any thing to be worried about?

my OB has always been mentioning that my baby is a little bit bigger since week 20. ive read in other apps that they usually judge a baby's weight through their femur length? during my last appointment in week 32, he asked me to watch my diet and eat healthier. I think the only thing u need to worry about is if the baby is too big, u might need c section instead. otherwise, u should know that it's just an estimation of ur baby's size, the actual might differ.
Read moreDepends on your size too, if you’re petite, even normal weight for others maybe big baby for u. There might be risk of emergency c sect or longer pushing time, etc. if baby continues to be on the bigger size. better check with your gynae for the risk and be prepared in advance, or control diet.