Breastmilk bottles after you’ve stopped pumping
Sorry first time mum here. Im planning to stop pumping in a few weeks time. For the storage bottles for breastmilk are we able to keep it if I plan to have #2? Maybe in 1 year time. Or should I discard it due to hygiene #firstbaby #firsttimemom
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Gynae who deliver in Mount Alvernia
Hi Mummies, I am in my 10th week and with Dr Wong Heng Fok currently. He’s a great gynae so far but sadly we didnt want to deliver at Thomson and he is only based there. Ive done a check and most gynae who deliver in Mount Alvernia has clinic based here which is kinda inconvenient for me for my regular gynae visits. Any of you have gynae who deliver in Mount A but clinic is not based there? Greatly appreciate all advise! Ty in advance #firstbaby #pregnancy #pleasehelp
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