4 Replies

only had this in my third tri for my first baby. now having second baby and already felt it ard that week too..... it's probably normal. just that everytime i googled it only says usually on third tri, minor on 2nd tri. glad i came across this post cuz i was also wondering if i should go to the doc 😂 maybe can raise this up on your next appt. just move slowly okay!

Do you mean pelvic pain? I had it since the first trimester and it worsen when I was in the third trimester. It felt like a sharp pain at the middle of the bone of my groin. Walking and getting in and out of a car were very painful. It disappeared after childbirth, but sometimes I can still feel it.

Hi, I felt pressure at my vaginal area at about week 18. However it got better when I tried to sleep on my left (better blood flow). I asked my gynae. He says it’s ligamentous strain but I doubt it is. 🤣 maybe you try sleeping on your left first and do also let your gynae know too.


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