Better eye sight
Eat more carrots to have better eye sight. Correct or not?

Yes. Under certain conditions eating carrots can improved your eye sight. The body uses beta-carotene to make vitamin A. Vitamin A helps the eyes convert light into a signal that can be transmitted to the Brain, allowing people to see under conditions of low light.
It does help to a certain extent. Similar to pumpkin. Also important is to maintain good eye habits like reading or watching tv from a safe distance and taking break for eyes at interval.
Yes coz it have vitamin A .. all the Vitamin A having food stuffs will helps in great eye sight so u just google what are the things having it ..
Maybe a little bit but reading habits are more important though, both eyes shouldnt be placed too close with electronic devices
Erm my mom gave me way too many carrots when I was little and I had jaundice when I was 1 year old. I suggest moderate quantity
Yes, anything orange are good as they contain beta carotene. So carrots, orange, papaya and even wolf berries are good.
Yes but not too much as carrots is one of the food high in beta-carotene that can cause yellowish discoloration of skin
We do hear that a lot but i guess other factors also play an important part to ensure good eyesight.
Supposedly true but my LO still near glasses.. I guess outdoor activities play a huge part too!
Good to eat carrots but outdoor play is more important n less exposure to digital devices too.