Does soya milk help to boost milk supply?

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Like what Idza and Diana have mentioned, soy milk is healthy and has a number of benefits for the nursing mother. It is also believed to be a good milk booster for some. The only thing to note is that soy may cause phlegm in babies and it also contains phyto estrogens, which may affect hormonal levels. It is best that you start with a small amount first and monitor to see if your baby has any reaction to it. (mentioned in this article: If you are looking to increase your supply, it is crucial that you are drinking plenty of water, having enough calories from well balanced diet, and getting enough rest. If schedule permits, pump more (pump in between feedings, increased demand would aid in increasing supply). These are more direct ways recommended by most to help increase supply.

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There are conflicting camps regarding this questions; soya milk or soy products are good for increasing breast milk supply because it contains calcium and fortified iron, all good things for babies. However, since soya milk contains estrogen, it's believed that drinking too much of it might affect the production of breast milk. That being said, I know of vegan and vegetarian mothers who eat and drink alot of soy and they have no issues producing milk etc. Here are some articles that talks about soy products, pregnancy and breastfeeding:

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The estrogen in soy milk is considered high when compared within plant based food. When you compared with animal based food, the hormone amount exist in soy is very little as compared to the hormones exist in animals. Thus, you do not have to worry about the hormones in soy and soy is a very nutritious plant food. Nutritious food help to generate more milk and quality milk. However, you have to read the label and avoid GMO soy milk. You can purchase organic soy beans and make your own fresh soy milk easily.

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