When does it get better
Does it really get better at 2 months? 8 weeks came and went and I don’t think my newborn has gotten any easier. When does it really get better? Will it ever get easier?

I also struggled and I was alone most of the time while my hubby worked, no family support (both foreigners). It does get better. I would keep trying different ways and some days I put him in the baby carrier and would walk around the house until he fell asleep. That’s still my last resort if I can’t get him to sleep. If you’re BF can try latching your baby to sleep and some slight patting towards the end of feed might help. Also, sometimes I will just rock him and sing/tell him stories very softly into his ear. Just your voice can calm the baby down. It will get better, just keep trying different ways. You’ll find some that work. Stay strong mama 💪
Read moreHi mommy it will be challenging for us. My baby is only a month and 13 days and he does have his time of being so fussy. He also wont sleeo. He will dose off then after 5mins up again. I cannot do other housework cuz i need to settle him. I will usually cuddle him walk around the house and sing a song for him check his diapers and ensure that the place is cooling enough for him. It does help for my baby. If you feel stressed out maybe u can ask a hand from ur mom or MIL. As for me my MIL will help me while my hubby is at work. We have to be positive and remember they are growing fast. We should enjoy every step.
Read moreIf we're just talking about sleep related issues, it will get better soon once you've established a clear routine and babies will generally become less fussy after 3 months. As the baby grows new issues will pop up though, but from my personal experience the first 3 months were the toughest and it got a bit easier eventually, but probably because I've gotten used to it. Get help from husband/helper/ parents/in laws if you can. You don't have to do it alone. All the best!
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Honestly, things only got better for me after 4 months, and after a lot of intense training of my LO in terms of sleep training (her naps and sleep were horrific), bottle training (she refused the bottle for more than 3 months), and establishing some routine to gain some sanity. Asking you to hang in there is unlikely to help, so if you can list out any difficulties, I can see if I can try to help with them?
Read moreHere’s the thing. A lot of things are important, but not everything works the same for each baby. So rather than seeing all these “teachings” as being in conflict, I’ve learnt to be more fluid and flexible to incorporate everything, but have it “tailor-made” for my child. For eg. My LO sleeps better in a darkened room even in the day, but I need to teach her the difference between day and night. So other than nap time, she goes into sunlight-filled rooms or we bring her out. I let my elder daughter play with louder toys or speak loudly if she wants. At night time, the mood in the whole house changes. Everything is quieter, more hushed. My elder daughter plays in a different room and mostly reads books/has storytime, so that milk feeds are in the dark and the place is pretty quiet. That way, my LO learnt to differentiate day and night very quickly, and I could still create a good environment for naps during the day. For swaddling, baby hasn’t really explored the limbs much yet. That h
It's best to stay positive. For newborns things are just getting started. Like sleep timing,milk,bathing and etc. If it really stress you out,do approach your husband help. Dnt keep it to yourself .. it's tiring.
He does help but we are both at wits end sometimes
Can download the apps the wonder weeks. It's help alot for u to understand ur baby behavior
When your LO got 4 months, it’ll get slightly better and you’ll get the hang of it
its get harder. but they grow up fast so dont think negative ok, you can do irt
Every step is a challenge, stay positive. The reward is worthwhile