Flu vaccine
Hi does anyone took the flu vaccine during pregnancy? Is it necessary to take ?

I only took whooping cough vaccine cos gynae says with foreigner influx, the virus is back in Singapore recent years. For flu, I’d didn’t take cos I’ve been keeping myself at home and seldom fall sick. Now the main flu virus spreading around is covid 19, which I alr took jab for. So it’s a risk I took not to get the flu jab.
Read moreI didn’t take flu, whooping cough and glucose test. (I’ll blackout in contact with needles). Gynae didn’t force me to go for it as well. So far @ 38 weeks, all is fine. 🙏🏻😊
I hope I’ll be fine too ,thank you 😃
It would be good to take flu vaccine.. I took mine when I was 12 weeks. And it helped me not get any flu the entire pregnancy last year. I also took whooping cough for my baby.
Yes took both whooping cough and flu jab at the polyclinic :) pregnant ladies get subsidies! You can make an appointment via Health Hub. Very fuss free 👍🏻
Thank you for recommending 😃
I took flu vaccine and whooping cough vaccine in my 1st trimester. It was recommended by gynae, and I took in private clinic and still get subsidies.
I took both flu vaccine and whooping cough as my gynae highly recommend me to take so that the baby and mummy can be protected
Thank you 🙏
Took mine together with the second jab for covid… took the whooping cough as well. So far everything is good…
I’ve done my flu vac during my second trimester, u should take it . It’s safe for pregnancy
I took the flu vaccine to protect my unborn child. Helps keep me away from having flu too
I only took whopping cough vaccine. I think flu vaccine wld be gd to take though not necessary.
Thank you so much for sharing 😃
Got a bun in the oven