Vigorous exercise before knowing pregnant
Does anyone have views or info on whether vigorous exercise immediately after conception (first 1-4 weeks) will affect pregnancy, maybe in the placenta development?

I was very active as a preschool teacher like carrying 15 kg child up and dow the stairs. Go to themepark and ride rollercoaster. I didnt know i was pregnant. The moment i knew, i am at 11th week plus already. I am super glad that baby is fine even with my crazy movements daily. The doc said i am lucky. Now i am 20th weeks and baby growth is fine. :)
Read moreUsually a fetus is well protected with many layers underneath your skin. I actually did cardio workout with kickboxing from 1st trimester till 1 week before giving birth. As long as there's no spotting, it should be fine. You may also check with your gynae if you're still worry during your visit.
Read moreI didnt know that i was pregnant till week 8. Before that i carried on as per normal with my zumba, exercises, brazilian waxing etc. Fortunately did not face any risks or complicatuons throughout my pregnancy and gave birth to a healthy full term baby.
i dont do vigorous exercises before knowing pregnancy, but i did alot of strenuous work (carrying patients, walking alot, running arnd the ward, etc). i didnt know my pregnancy up till 24th weeks. all no problem,baby healthy. 😊
I think should be ok. I was lifting and packing heavy stuff daily before I got pregnant and all turned out to be ok. There’s nothing much you can do besides worrying as what’s done is done anyways.
I did circuit training including squat jumps and burpees till week 8. Baby turned out healthy and fine. But of course, best not to do it.