Do u beat your baby when baby is cranky or keep crying non stop you have tried everything but still no use? I just slap his backside or shake him using both hand holding baby's arm ~ I m suspecting I am having depression~

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Hi, I know it can seem overwhelming. Especially if you are going through this alone and do not have a good support system around you. I also know how frustrating it can be to have a baby that sometimes gets fussy and will not stop crying! It can drive you crazy. Just take a few deep breaths, I mean, I am sure that you know the answer. Babies do not understand your need for peace and quiet all they know is that they used to be in this wonderful place where it was always the right temperature, they had food on demand and they could do as they please. Then one day this all changed. I can imagine how tough these months have been and I know as every parent here knows how tough and frustrating it is. Just be patient. Hitting your baby will not teach him anything good it is just a way for you to diffuse some anger. Just take it easy, find some people that can support you, and just be patient this will all get better soon. In the meantime read as much as you can. This will help you understand what your baby is going through. A good saying is „do not hate what you do not understand“. By understanding, we are able to curb our own emotions and start feeling empathy and compassion. Don‘t feel bad! We have all been there! I know I have and you are not alone.

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