Do u beat your baby when baby is cranky or keep crying non stop you have tried everything but still no use? I just slap his backside or shake him using both hand holding baby's arm ~ I m suspecting I am having depression~

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Do Not shake baby!! please read up about shaken baby syndrome which is very dangerous for baby. understand your frustration dealing with a crying baby which I believe most of us will feel you too. you might want to leave baby alone for a few minutes walk out of the room to calm down before going back to baby. if there's anyone at home, leave the baby to someone else and take a break. if you suspect yourself having depression and showing signs of depression, please see a doc, having depression is very common and seeking help early can prevent any mishaps from happening. seeking help doesn't means we are weak, it's just that we could use a little help to pass this difficult time and all will turn up well in the end. fighting mummy!

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