Did you get disappointed when you found out your baby’s gender is not what you’ve expected?

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No, I’m an IVF mommy. We send all our embryo (4 total) to do chromosomes check. At the time my husband and I want a boy because the world is so scary now so we think boy would be more easy to raise to face the world when we’re pass away. But at the same time deep down in my heart I don’t want to pick if all four embryos are normal. The whole time I was waiting for the results. I don’t want to pick which embryo I’ll do the transfer. I’m terrified of leaving my another children somewhere (we decided to donate after we pick the one). My heart is silently crying every night without telling my husband what was my concern. The day doctor call me back and told me I have only one perfect embryo and she is a girl. My heart filled with love and joy and crying with my release that I don’t have to go through a pressure decision. I’m so happy it doesn’t matter my baby is a boy or girl that love already started.

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