Fast recovery
Did normal vagina delivery. Any tips to faster recovery? I cant seem to sit properly. It feels like my bottom is gonna tear again if i sit normally :( helppp #1stimemom

is it pain or is it the fear of it tearing dear? if it's fear, pls be assured that it would heal usually within 2 weeks and don't be too aggressive when u sit or stand up. do it slowly and position urself well when u sit. until ur very much better. Air gamat will help in internal healing, maybe could help u recover faster too. in shaa Allah, selawat alot k.
Read moreWashing the area with soap/Dettol & warm water often helps speed up my recovery a lot! If you can’t sit properly, you might want to consider getting a kid’s donut float? It seems to work for a lot of mummies! :)
I tink my gynae gave me some solution in the hosp for cleaning.. then i come hm nv rmb to use it frequently but mayb i m just lucky coz i didnt feel pain 🤭 get a float mayb? Tink alot of ppl do that!
Do not do household chores and just get ample rest. Also, drink fish essence as it helps a lot in healing. Do not apply any lotion or oil in fear of infection. Within 1-2 weeks, pain will subside.
keeping the area clean will help to speed up the recovery! change pad every 2-4hours, wash area regularly. I noticed the difference in 2-3days
Sit in a sitz bath or use a swimming float when you want to sit. Otherwise it’s better to lie down most of the time
A cap of Dettol with warm water helps me alot after every urination and also fish essence heals most wound fast
Swimming float and peri bottle to wash the wound both are life savers and airy thin pant n undies
Don’t sit, lie down and don’t cross legs. Do stiltz bath, drink more fluid
i apply minyak gamat at the stich area 😆
Got a bun in the oven