Did u fit into ur old clothes postpartum? How long Shld I keep them in hope of ever fitting into them? What did u do to ur beautiful old clothes?

I am blessed because after giving birth to three kids I was able to go back to my pre-pregnancy weight. But I did not do any form of diet, I just breastfed exclusively and was very hands-on with my kids. For me, you can keep your pre-pregnancy clothes because you never know when you might fit into them again. And if ever you won't get your old body back, you can always give your clothes to a family member or someone in need. It's never really a waste, because by giving it to someone else you are sharing what you have with others. Just take it slow when it comes to getting your figure back. Your body's been through a lot of changes in the past 9 months, you need to give it time to recover too. However you may look three, ten, fourteen months from the day you gave birth - be proud about it. It's just evidence that you have already transformed into a mom who did a great job raising her baby. Always remember that inner beauty matters more than what is only skin-deep.
Read moreHi Jacinthia, I manage to fit in my old after having the second kid. Before I got pregnant, I was a size S. After giving birth to my first, i was stuck with additional 5kg.I didn't lose all the fats that I gained and was a Size M. After 6 months giving birth to my 2nd child,I lost all the weight that I've gained and manage to fit in my old clothes. Probably it's because I have 2 kids to look after and busy running after them that's why I lost all the weight. Don't be despair, I'm sure you will be able to fit your old clothes some day. That said, you can also give away to your friends or relatives , sell away at flea market those white color clothes because you can't keep them long as they will turn yellow.
Read moreHi Roshi, I shed all the weight in 4 months postpartum
keep them you'll never know! ! every woman is different. for my first I put on 22kg during pregnancy then after giving birth I was 7kg over my original weight. with my first took me about a year to loose and go back to my so called figure. lol !!! with number 2 it was easier.. dint know why I put on a total of 22kg again and after giving birth again had about 7kg to loose but that was all lost in 6months... both my kids were BF babies... don't know if that really helped with loosing the weight or not. now with number 3 on the way. hahahha!! honestly I'm not bothered .. but yes keep the clothes!!! it's huge motivation!!
Read moreOh! Yes. My clothes started fitting me after six, seven months. I guess, it depends on your body type. If you see yourself losing weight then you can keep them and you can surely fit into them. Otherwise also do not feel bad. You have worn them and it gives a chance for having a new fresh wardrobe. You can donate the clothes that do not fit you or can give it to your sister. I wore my clothes for sometime, but you know how we get bored of old ones, so new ones keep coming in. I donated my clothes to NGO.
Read moreThere's no harm hanging on to them! They are great motivation tools to get back to your pre-baby body. Most of my friends fit into a majority of their clothes just fine after a few months of healthy eating and regular exercise. Maybe their mini dresses will not look as awesome on them as before but alot of them claim that their sexy tops and bikinis look better because of the post baby breasts :) don't lose hope!
Read moreNone of ny clothes from my pre-pregnancy body seemed to fit me after giving birth even after a year. Some of my clothes were already donated to those in need, I have only kept number of pieces which are my favorites to be used as my motivation to bring alindog back. hehehe Starting to drag myself to do some physical exercises to achieve my goal. ☺ Never say NEVER!
Read moreJia you!
I managed to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans 3 months post delivery. I find breastfeeding helps me to lost weight faster. For the old clothes that I do not need anymore, I will donate to salvation army or post online to bless mummies who need them. You can join facebook group such as this one https://www.facebook.com/groups/820620677995300/
Read moreI can't access the site u copy and paste. What's the FB group called again?
Yes I did! And to my surprise, even my clothes way back in college fit me well today (I'm 4 months PP). If you plan to breastfeed and eat healthily, you may be back in shape sooner than you'd expect as BFing uses up up to 500 calories a day. That's a lot! :)
i have pack them aside and there is like 3 big bags of them? hehe.. my wardrobe now only has those i can fit right now (currently at 5mths preg).. like what some mummies said, it will be a motivation to go back to the usual size!
yes. after 6 months. just keep them first and use it to motivate yourself to lose weight! beautiful old clothes? I still wear it ! hahhaha. if really need to clear it, then can bless to someone who needs it!
Mama of 1 sunny prince