did you buy a walker for your baby? im having second thoughts :( if yes, any good brand?

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i used walker before. i brought my baby to test drive when we were at kiddy palace. if she is comfortable, then we buy. so far we dont really use it all the times. my caregiver is my mum. she is the one who put her in walker when she is busy in day especially cooking or using toilet. based on what doctor said, so far it never hinder the growth development of my children. they never tiptoe too. so it depend on how comfortable you feel like using.

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based on what the neonatal physiotherapist at sgh told me, it's best not to let your child be in a walker because 1. it hinders the development of walking. they will be more prone to tip toeing rather than bearing their weight on their heels. 2. their weight will be on their groin and this causes pain at their groin area.

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Puku, lucky baby. The different is the activities on top that keep the baby occupied. This puku rocker can covert to rocker too. So baby is small like 4 months plus, can support their neck, can put them inside and rock or let them play the activities. There is a cloth under for baby to step.

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I got the 3 in 1 Little Bean Baby Walker. It is a Rocker, Walker and also 360 degree Activities table to engage LO. Nice and comfortable padded seat.Also can adjust. to 3 different height s according to the ability of your LO. You can take a look at this video. https://youtu.be/qF6KY7x0RWo

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We are not buying a walker for baby since it is advised by KKH against using a walker. http://www.livestrong.com/article/75875-pros-cons-baby-walkers/ http://www.kkh.com.sg/HealthPedia/Pages/ChildhoodIllnessesHeadInjury.aspx

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No we did not. Aside from the fact that we have little space, all our children learned to walk without the aid of a walker. Funny but what they use to find their balance is by pushing a chair.

Got a walker cum rocker for my Son. It's useful when i need to bathe or do housework. Can keep him inside. But in terms of roaming around the house, not so helpful becoz no space at home lol

I got a walker used a couple of times as limited space in the house. Got a cheap one from kiddy palace that can be kept compactly if needed. Had 3 activities on it to entertain the lo :)

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I bought a walker but the boys never used it as they were comfortable crawling and trying to stand by holding on to a chair or sofa.